今天是 5.17 国际不再恐同日🌈 ,2022年第15届爱酷电影周全新一轮的征片工作从今天起正式开启!欢迎符合条件的酷儿电影作品报名征片。
Founded 20 years ago, the Beijing Queer Film Festival (aka Love Queer Cinema Week) is one of the grassroots film festivals in China focusing on independent queer film screenings and cultural exchange activities. We aim to expand public discussions on sexuality / gender identity / gender expression, we aim to give a platform to sexual and other minorities in China and the World, and we celebrate diversity. Under a difficult domestic social and political environment, we remain alive year after year thanks to the help, solidarity and support from many civil society groups and individuals.
In the winter of 2022, the 15th edition of Love Queer Cinema Week will take place. We are calling for submissions of all sorts of queer films from filmmakers around the world.
01. 征片要求 Eligibilities
1. 影片属于酷儿电影,类型不限(剧情、纪录、实验、动画等均可),时长不限;
2. 华语影片完成时间没有限制,外语片完成时间在2021年1月1日之后;
3. 作品没有在往届爱酷电影周上放映过;
4. 本届影展华语片对外公开征片的截止日期为2022年8月20日;
5. 本届影展外语片对外公开征片的截止日期为2022年8月1日。
1. All queer themed films are welcomed, all genres and lengths including documentaries / features / shorts / animations / experimental films etc.
2. For Chinese-language films there is no limits on finished date; for foreign-language films the finished date after 1st January, 2021 will be considered.
3. Only films that haven’t been screened at the Beijing Queer Film Festival will be selected.
4. For Chinese-language films, the submission deadline is 20th August 2022.
5. For foreign-language films, the submission deadline is 1st August 2022.
02. 报名要求 Requirements
1. 填写完整的报名表一份第15届爱酷电影周报名表(点击阅读原文下载);
2. 请提供影片高清剧照3张,海报1张,导演个人照1张,文件名以“剧照/海报/导演”等名称清晰命名;
3. 报名建议使用影片网络链接(可加密码)。
注:如果没有网络链接电子版,需要提供邮寄DVD一份,具体方式请联系报名邮箱 beijingqff@gmail.com。
4. 每部影片需要提交5美元(30元人民币)报名费,交费方式及说明详见报名表。
*由于在以往的征片中我们仍收到了大量非酷儿题材的影片报名,我们决定从今年起,影展设置5美元(30元人民币)的报名费。您的报名费也是对影展工作的一种支持,如您有实际经济困难,亦可以发送邮件至 beijingqff@gmail.com 说明情况,我们将视报名者的具体情况免除报名费。
All submissions should include:
1. Filled-out entry form of 15th Love Queer Cinema Week Entry Form (Click “read more”on the bottom of the article to download the Entry Form);
2. High-quality film poster, director headshot, 3 film stills;
3. Online secure screener link / password (preferred).
P.S. If you don’t have an online screener, please contact us at beijingqff@gmail.com, we will arrange for submission with a DVD copy via post mail.
4. There is a 5 USD (30 yuan) submission fee for each submitted film. Please read more details in the Entry Form.
*Since we still received a large number of non queer films in the previous submissions, we decided to set a registration fee of US $5 (30 yuan) for the film festival from this year. Your registration fee is also a kind of support for the work of the festival. If you have actual financial difficulties, you can also send an email to beijingqff@gmail.com
The applicant will be exempted from the registration fee according to the specific situation.
03. 报名方式 Submission
A:通过Gmail报名 (Submit via Gmail)
Please send your submission, including the entry form and all film materials to beijingqff@gmail.com before the deadline.
B:通过Filmfreeway报名 (Submit via Filmfreeway)
Please submit your film on our Filmfreeway (https://filmfreeway.com/BeijingQueerFilmFestival) before the deadline.
如对于征片工作和报名要求的任何疑问,可随时通过邮箱 beijingqff@gmail.com 与我们联系。
We are looking forward to your submission!
If you have any questions about the submission andrequirements, please feel free to contact us via beijingqff@gmail.com
Download: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1EYVhJvsoWs0HYTtRUxxNCA
Password: ickp