Post: 好郁 HoYuk-lest’s love Hong Kong


好郁 HoYuk-lest's love Hong Kong



2002年       87mins 剧情片







HoYuk-Let’s Love Hong Kong (Hong Kong)


2002 87mins fiction

Director/Scriptor/producer: YAU Ching

Photographer: Chen Ganyi, Gan Wenhui

Editor: Chen Bowen

Music: Gong Zhicheng

Cast: Erica Lam, Wong Chung Ching, Maria Cordero, Colette Koo















Three women chase, seduce, resist and fantasize about each other. A Hong Kong that is as fake as real provides the perfect setting for their games, secrets,screams and tears.

“Made-in-China Chan” (in Chinese: Chan Kwok Chan)works as a stripper in cyber­space but she often has headaches. Her only solace is from her mother who is clue­less about what her daughter does for a living nor what she is thinking. Nicole has money and power but she depends on “Made-in-China” to play with virtually at night in order to get some sleep. Zero does not have anything but she knows what she wants and is determined to get it. Three women meet in a Hong Kong somewhere in the future. How do their desires manifest themselves in this forbidden city? From totally different backgrounds, they look like they have very different problems but do they?




游静,香港出生,自香港大学比较文学系毕业后,赴美国纽约攻读电影及录像艺术,后于纽约电视台工作及于视觉艺术学院、加大圣地亚哥学院及密西根大学等任教。后赴伦敦攻读媒体艺术,获伦大皇家可露威学院媒体系博士。九九年回港,开始筹拍《好郁》。电影及录像作品包括《卡拉〔超住(你)〕OK》(1989)、《你有什么特别的要我告诉你?》(1993)、《流》(1993)(日本视象论坛节评审团特别奖)、《理想家国》(1993)(德国国际录像艺术大赛最后决赛入围)、《录像书简》(1993)、《另起炉灶之耳仔痛》(1997)(香港独立短片展纪录片组银奖)、《我饿》(1999)(捷克布雷电影节银奖,香港独立短片展公开组银奖)、《白雪仙的妹妹》(2000)、《搵自己》(2000)(香港电台监制)等。并活跃于香港文坛。诗集《不可能的家》获  2002年香港文学双年奖诗组推荐奖。《好郁》为游静执导之首部剧情长片,于葡萄牙费加拿霍斯电影节获国际影评人协会颁予剧情片大奖,并应邀参加香港国际电影节、夏威夷国际电影节等。


Director’s Bio/Filmography:


Yau Ching was born in Hong Kong in 1966, studied Comparative Literature and Phi­losophy in Hong Kong, film and media arts in New York and London. A graduate of the Whitney Independent Study Program in New York, she is currently living and work­ing in Hong Kong as a filmmaker, writer and educator. Her short films and videos have been awarded at the festivals worldwide including Image Forum in Japan, Ann Arbor Film Festival, Cindy Film Competition, German Video Art Prize, Brno 16 Film Festival, Image Forum in Japan, Hong Kong Independent Film and Video Awards and exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Guggenheim Museum, New York Public Library, London Film Festival, Yamagata Film Festival, Hong Kong International Film Festival, Flaherty International Film Seminars, and the Worldwide Video Festival in Den Haag, among others. Her video works have been broadcast on US National Public Television, Eins Plus and ARD3 in Germany and MX-TV in Japan.


Past films/videos include: Is There Anything Specific You Want Me To tell You About? (90), Flow (93), The Ideal/Na(rra)tion (93), Video Letters 1-3 (93), Diasporama: Dead Air (97), June 30, 1997 (aka Celebrate What?) (97), I’m Starving (99), Suet-sin’s Sisters (99). Her latest film Ho Yuk – Let’s Love Hong Kong (2002) was awarded the Grand Prize for Fiction at the 31st Figueira da Foz International Film Festival, Portugal and is being nominated for “Best New Performer” at the Golden Horse Film Festival, Taiwan. Since its release this year, it has been invited to Hawaii International Film Festival, Hong Kong International Film Festival, Asia Media Festival in Rome and Rotterdam International Film Festival.